Faceless IDE is the workshop of smart contract developers.π¨
What is an IDE?
An Integrated Development Environment, commonly referred to as IDE, is a type of applications used by programmers to develop software.
This kind of apps integrate several functionalities to improve the productivity and quality of the development process. The usual features of an IDE are: code writing and compilation, debugging/testing and executable deployment.
Why an IDE?
Before reading this subsection! It is strongly recommended to read the 'Project Vision' in 'What is Faceless?' section before getting deeper into the subject in order to understand better the motivations behind our project.
As we have just explained, an IDE is the workshop of a developer, the place where programmers do their magic. In a extremely competitive market where every second of time matters, software is needed to be built with quality, speed and efficiency.
Current state of IDEs in Smart Contracts Development
In this moment, developers have different tools to design smart contracts.
In terms of IDEs, there are no clear options in a highly competitive environment, the ones integrated in the browser (Remix, EthFiddle...) are not powerful enough, nor integrate some of the core tools that a smart contract developer needs. On the other hand, the desktop ones such as Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ, are not specifically prepared for this task, developers waste too much time installing, configuring and updating plugins, getting into many difficulties.
As a result, all this experts are underperforming and, consequently, so as their companies.
Why is it important?
The importance of overcoming this obstacle lies in the fact that in order to innovate and create using blockchain technology, it is essential to have efficient and useful tools that facilitate this process.
As during the Industrial Revolution with the invention of the combustion engine, nothing would have thrived if it had not existed the right context, or in other words, if it had not existed factories, quarries or advanced logistic support. Turning to blockchain, it will not mean a revolution without the right tools to use that technology, which means, efficient and useful development environments.
Advantages of Faceless IDE
All the functionalities of the Faceless IDE are aimed to make easier the job of the developers so that they can focus exclusively in innovation.
Versatility: due to the great amount of new projects and consequently needs, it is crucial to offer a high variety of tools and possible configurations. For this reason, in Faceless we are integrating the most used technologies, all explained in the 'Integrated Technologies' section.
Testing: we want to put emphasis on this part of the process since is when most of the errors and vulnerabilites are detected. We will build a whole debugging system to test and evaluate your smart contracts.
Security: when developing smart contracts we shall not forget that we are treating with real money so that, security is the most important aspect. In Faceless we are aware of this and we want to integrate tools to check the possible vulnerabilities of our contracts.
Deployment: when a smart contract is deployed on the blockchain it can not be modified, so if you want to deploy one, you must be sure it is perfect. In addition, deployment is delicate step in software development. For us, it is extremely important to make an efficient application, so we are integrating the most useful deployment tools.
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